Saturday, 9 August 2014

Swap, Share, Give ~ A Linky From 'Down Under'!

There are many talented teachers all around the world and I consider myself so lucky to make many friendships and connections through the blogging world.

Today I get to link up with my special and very talented Aussie friends for this Swap, Share, Give Linky from Down Under.

The lovely Bec over at Books Bugs & Boxes is hosting this linky.

What is it?

Each of us (Aussies) have partnered with another Aussie
and swapped a product. 
We try out the product and share it with you to let you know how it works and what we thought of it.

A present for you...we offer you a product for free.

This is the BEST part. We will be giving away all the awesome products that we have swapped. 

* SWAP *

I am teaming up with Shanyn from 

Shanyn has so many amazing products in her TPT Store, it was hard for me to choose one.

I chose 

and WOW what a fantastic product!

Do you struggle to get your students to write sentences that are not

You probably spend time on it every day.

Well this product is just the thing to help.

Shanyn has put together a collection of worksheets to help your students think about the sentences they write.

 She has broken the activity in three easy parts,
Simple   Bigger   Better!

 We started with a Simple Sentence
I see my teddy.
We talked about making the sentence 
Bigger  by adding more information 
 I see my teddy on the bed.

Then we made the sentence Better by adding adjectives.
 I see my shaggy brown teddy on the bed.

Here are some the sentences my students did using Shanyn's worksheets. 

I must say I was impressed with the results.

Building Better Sentences 
would be a fantastic activity for a writing station.

And what makes it even better, it's
Easy peasy, just print and do.

Thank you for sharing this great product with me, Shanyn.


Learning About Numbers to 10 Freebie.
Here are some No Prep Worksheets to help your little ones count and recognise numbers to 10

You can download your free copy HERE

* GIVE *

Would you like to win a copy of Shanyn's Building Better Sentences pack?
Enter our Giveaway to win a copy of this pack as well as a copy of all the products swapped! 
Simply follow each of our stores 
It's that easy!


S said... 1

What a lovely review! I'm so glad your children enjoyed the activities. Mine love it, too! :)

Classroom Ponderings said... 2

I loved this pack as well Rhonda! I did it with my year 2 class and they loved it. It made it very easy to see that they need lots of practice to make their sentences more interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

Top Notch Teaching said... 3

Oh wow this looks like a great pack, I'm off to add it to my wish list. I'm working with some students who need help writing more descriptive sentences...fantastic


Jem said... 4

Sounds like a fantastic product. And a very cool maths freebie too - I'm heading to download it now!

Luck's Little Learners

Stefanie Galvin said... 5

I just love Shanyn's Building Better Sentences packs - they're so great for reinforcing strong, interesting sentences! And thanks for the wonderful freebie!

Miss Galvin Learns

Unknown said... 6

Love this freebie Rhonda! My kids love making bigger sentences- we use colourful semantics as a whole class activity.
Books, Bugs and Boxes

Paula’s Place said... 7

This is an amazing pack and the focus is brilliant. The freebie is also such a great addition to classroom math fluency.
Paula from Paula’s Place and iSURF Maths

Jennie said... 8

What an awesome pack! I love the freebie too - will help me out when I tutor! Thank you Rhonda. :)

~brookeb~ said... 9

I have some writers who would benefit from this pack! And I love your freebie too :)

Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep! said... 10

Hi Rhonda,

This pack looks amazing! Thanks for the great photos - so great to see a product after it's been used by kidlets to see how it works in the classroom. Looks like these activities were a huge winner! I'm off to wishlist it, and also to email the link to the other teachers in my team.

Thanks so much for the great freebie! I've already downloaded it. :)

Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

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