Friday, 19 October 2012

Starry Night ~ Vincent Van Gogh

I LOVE teaching my little ones about art and artists. I am not really an 'arty' person myself but there are many fantastic blogs with wonderful art ideas. 

I got this idea from Kristin Thomas at

You really should take a peek at her blog and be inspired.

Kristin did this activity with 2nd Graders but my little Kinder Van Goghs did a great job at creating their 'Starry Night'

Happy teaching.


Classroom Ponderings said... 1

Rhonda, they look fantastic! I did a similar activity last year with my 2/3's but I wasn't blogging then and don't have any pics :( Van Gogh is a really interesting artist to teach. Great job!
Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

Tammy said... 2

Those are great. I enjoy teaching art too. The uniqueness of each piece makes me smile.
❀ Tammy
Forever in First

Sandi said... 3

Starry Night is my favourite painting. I love how your students add the construction paper houses. We have done it as a crayon resist.

rubberboots and elf shoes

Tharami said... 4

Van Gogh prints Large selection of Canvas art, giclee and canvas prints for a cheap price. Our Art is Better than GOOD.

Unknown said... 5

These are gorgeous!! I love combining art with my science lessons. Just found your blog, I'm your newest follower!

Science for Kids Blog

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