Wednesday 28 November 2012

The Gingerbread Man

It feels like forever since I did my last post. I have been so busy.
We only have 2 weeks left till school finishes and I can't wait. 

We have been having a lot of fun in my classroom. Last week we did lots of activities about the Gingerbread Man. This story is such a classic. 
We had a fun Gingerbread Man hunt. I have been doing the "Great Gingerbread Man Hunt" for several years. I got this idea from Mrs Gagne's Classroom. I just tweeked the clues to suit our needs.
My little ones got so excited as we tripped-trapped around the school looking for the elusive gingerbread man!

Here we are trying to be quiet so that we could sneak up on the Gingerbread man.

The gingerbread man had been in the library and he left us another clue. Can you see the intense concentration as our librarian read out the next clue.

The Gingerbread Man had been at the office and left us another clue!

Next stop, the principal's office. My students had no problem opening cupboards and drawers looking for the Gingerbread Man!!

We did manage to catch that Gingerbread Man. We took a photo of him with us before we ate him all up!

And that was the end of the Gingerbread Man!!

We did a lot of fun activities.
I have put my activities on TPT if you are interested HERE


  1. What a fantastic idea! I am a prep teacher in QLD and I'm currently trying to decide what we will do for Christmas! What kind of hints did you give? Would you be willing to share them? Thanks!

    Adoring Lilly

  2. Hi Casey,
    If you email me, I will send you the clues that I did for our gingerbread Man hunt.

