Saturday 3 November 2012

Teachers Help Teachers

Down here in Australia we have been hearing about  
Hurricane Sandy.
I hope everyone is safe and well. 
We can only imagine what it has been like.

We can replace 'things' but we can't replace people.

 Laurah at THE ESOL ODYSSEY is asking teachers to link up to help those teachers who have lost valuable teaching resources. 

She is asking for teachers to donate a teaching resource to help those teachers who may have lost everything.
Just go to Laurah's blog and fill in the form with whatever teaching resource from your TPT/TN store you are willing to donate. 
Laura will will do the rest and and distribute the files to teachers who need a helping hand. 

Something small will help in a big way. 

 If you are a teacher who has been affected by the hurricane and would like some help with teaching resources, go to Laura's blog and fill in the form requesting help. 
Leave the rest up to Laurah.

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