Wednesday 27 June 2012

Blog Award

 I feel chuffed that  Brittany at  Stickers and Stamps has given me this Blog Award. 
She has a really cute blog that you should check out.

I have recently joined the blogging world and would like to thank all the wonderful teachers who regularly share their classroom ideas. I have taken away many great ideas that I have used  in my classroom and I hope I can do the same in return.

 There are so many wonderful blogs out there that I have been following for some time and choosing only 15 was difficult.

Here are the rules for this award:
Once you receive the award, you must follow 3 rules: 

1.  Follow the person that gave you the award

2.  Link back to the person that gave you the award 
3.  Pass the award on to 15 new bloggers
Congratulations and thank you!

Mrs Lee's Kinderkids

If you haven't checked out these blogs, you should. These bloggers have some fantastic  ideas.


  1. Congratulations on your award! You and your cute blog deserve it! =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. Thank you Heather.I appreciate your kind words.

  3. Thanks Rhonda for including my blog in your One Lovely Blog list! I really appreciate it!

    Down Under Teacher

  4. Aww, thank you!! You are so sweet!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  5. Here's another award! Stop by my blog to pick it up! Teacher Mom of 3

  6. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Please stop by my blog to pick it up.
    Modern Kindergarten

  7. Thank you SO much! I love your adorable blog template! It's adorable! :)
