Thursday 14 June 2012

Bees, Bees, Bees!

We have finished our unit about bees. My little ones had a lot of fun and learned a lot. 

We did a cute Bee glyph.
 As well as reading lots of great non fiction books, we also read The Very Greedy Bee and Eric Carle's The Honeybee and The Robber. They are both cute stories but my little ones' favourite was The Honeybee and The Robber. I think it may have been the interactive nature of the book that was appealing. It has many bits to push and pull.

 As part of the glyph, my little ones had a fold-up hexagon which opened out and they drew different pictures about bees.

 We graphed our information and wrote about it.

We also made a hexagonal prism and put the together to make a honeycomb. My little ones drew different bee pictures in the prism.

We read some fun poems. 
I like to get the most out of every activity. 
This poem was a literacy lesson and also a maths lesson about position.
First we read the poem and found the rhyming words.

Then we then highlighted the positional words, first, second, third..

We then learned the short way of recording position. 1st, 2nd 3rd ...
Kindergarten children are like little sponges and take it all in.

They cut out the speech bubbles and drew the bees from the poem and labeled them.
We  learned about the  the different bees in the hive, queen, drone and workers.
We drew pictures and labeled them.
 Look at this little one's picture of the queen. So cute!

We learnt about metamorphosis and drew the bee life cycle.

We had fun  learning about the proboscis. Here we are with a straw and water and learning how a bee sucks nectar from a flower.

We then drew about it.

All of these activities are in my Bee Unit on TPT Here


  1. I love this! The bee glyphs are adorable & I really like the hexagons that go with it. :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Wow! What a great resource for bees. My dad is a beekeeper and he brings a frame from one of his hives to show my kids each year. He has an observation window that it slips inside of. The kids are fascinated with them. I love your little ones drawings, they show so much learning.


  3. Wow, I love all of the activities your kids did. Looks like they learned lots!

    Kelly @ I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  4. Super cute bee activites. Thanks for sharing them.

    Kim at

  5. Wow! This is amazing! Thanks for sharing. I'm your newest follower! Lauren
    Teacher Mom of3

  6. I just gave you the Lovely Blog Award. Stop by my blog to receive it!!

    Stickers and Stamps

  7. Love,love the bee glyph! I bet the kids really enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing! I am your newest follower!


    2nd Grade Pig Pen

  8. Your blog is the cutest! I'm your newest follower. I have taught third grade for 14 years, and will be moving to second grade next year. I'm really excited!

    Waving from The Teacher's Chatterbox,

  9. I am loving the bees! I am grabbing this unit! Thanks for sharing!

    I love your blog and am a new follower!

