Tuesday 22 January 2013

High Fequency Word Bingo

There are some great sites for interactive games but one that I particularly like is
 ICT Games.

One of the games is called 
High Frequency Word Bingo.
It's great for an interactive whiteboard but you could do it using the computer. 

There are different levels of difficulty and the bingo sheets are available for you to download 
and copy.
My little ones love this game. I usually do this as a whole class.

It has a button to 'push' and then the words roll until it stops at one.
You are able to check the words used when someone calls bingo.   

If you haven't seen this game, you should check it out. 
I know you will love it and so will your students.


  1. Great site Rhonda! I will be passing this on to my friend who has Kinder this year.

    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  2. I love ICT Games! We use it a lot too. We use the Maths a fair bit, my class (last year) loved the Save the Whale game and wanted to play it ALL the time! I haven't used this game before though... I'm going to try it when we're back at school :)

    Thanks for sharing it


    Early Years Fun

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