Sunday 2 February 2014


I have decided that this year I will try extra hard to blog more often... well that is my plan, so I hope I can stick to it.

Anyway a good start is to link up with Farley 
from Oh' Boy 4th Grade for this month's Currently. 

I have only done it once before but I do enjoy reading everyone's blogs when they post a currently.

If you haven't seen Jonathon and Charlotte from Britain's Got talent, you should hop on to You Tube and watch their audition. They are amazing singers and they have a beautiful friendship. You will be amazed. And they are only 17 and 18.
They didn't win the show but they have become successful performers and have made two albums. I am hoping they will come to Australia to perform one day.

My house is surrounded by reserve and lots of very tall gum trees. We get a lot of bird life visiting our yard (and there has been the odd snake or two but I won't go there). In fact we found a little baby bird yesterday that must have fallen out of it's nest. It has a few feathers on it and the mother and father bird are still looking after it on the ground. We had a nesting box that we put it in to keep it safe and the mother and father bird go into the box to feed it. 

When I looked out the window yesterday and there was a gorgeous King Parrot on our deck. These birds are so beautiful. I manged to get a photo of it. I love sitting and watching the birds that visit especially when they go into the bird bath and splash around.

I haven't been to the movies for several months. We forget to go, we get too busy... so I said to my hubby we should go to see a movie. I like watching a movie on the big screen at the cinema.

Sometimes I want to get into the slow lane. Life can be so hectic and busy. How do we stop. I guess life would be boring if you weren't busy!

Exercise... enough said. You know the big E word. I should but I don't. I don't have the time. I know that's an excuse... I'm working up to it....

You see I am really a 'home body'. I am happiest when I am hanging out at home but my hubby is the opposite. He loves music(all kinds of music), dancing and traveling... 
and does not like staying at home. It's all doom and gloom for him if he has to hang out at home.
In fact we just got back from Tamworth where they have a big Country music festival every year. I do enjoy music but if I had a choice, I would stay at home and listen to the music. Last year we went to Parkes to the Elvis festival. My hubby likes to go here and there where ever he can hear music and he especially likes live bands. 
We have been on several overseas trips and my hubby organises everything. He knows if he left it up to me we would be staying at home!!!

Curries, I LOVE curries. One of my dearest friends was born in India and she makes the best curry and she often cooks for us. Her curries are better than you would get in any restaurant. 

When I was growing up my brother and sister had horses and competed in shows but I was the odd one out. I never liked riding a horse. Yes I love horses, they are lovely animals but I don't like riding them.

Well it's off to bed.  We have just gone back to school. I am teaching Reading Recovery again this year as well as taking some K-2 classes.

Happy teaching

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