Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year

It's hard  to believe another year is over.

My New Year's Eve was very exciting. 
We have friends who have an apartment on Sydney Harbour. 
We went to Sydney and stayed with them for the night and had a party. 

 Here is my hubby with some of the guests at the party.  
Don't you love the crazy glasses and hat!

Instead of fighting the crowds that gather to watch the fireworks, we had the best view ever from their balcony.

Sydney is famous for its New Year's Eve fireworks
 I took some photos of the fireworks but my photos did not turn out very well. 

I found this photo on google and this is what we could see from our friend's balcony.

It was   S-P-E-C-T-A-C-U-L-U-A-R!!

2012 was a new adventure for me . Instead of blog stalking, I took the plunge and became a blogger myself. It has been an exciting journey and I love all the new friends that I have made. 
Blogging has certainly made me a better  teacher. 
I get so many new and wonderful ideas from teachers all around the world and of course the winners are the children I teach.

To celebrate the new year, I am having a SALE.

 Graphics by Hope King

To all my friends I send you my love and wish you a year full of  love, laughter and good health. 

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