Saturday 1 December 2012


Farley from 
Oh' Boy 4th Grade is having her December currently

Wow December is here AGAIN!
I can't believe how the year has gone ~ it seems like just a blink.

I have to say I LOVE  everything Christmas.

I so enjoy decorating the house. 
The tree is up, but there are no presents under the tree because I need to go shopping.
I love the time I spend with family and friends.
Christmas feels good.

It is nearly the end of our school year and everyone is tired, teachers and kids!
We have had reports to write, organise classes for next year, lots of end of year stuff... and some teachers have to move classrooms. 
Fortunately I am staying where I am for next year~ SIGH of relief.

I want school to be over so I can just focus on CHRISTMAS.

Everyone comes to my house so I am super busy with preparations.

As you know I am from the 'land down under'. 
 My house is surrounded by very large flowering gum trees.
Not all gum trees have flowers.
If you know May Gibbs' books Snugglepot and Cuddlepie, she has those flowering gums and the gum nuts in her stories.

Anyway, the gum trees have yellow flowers at present and the birds, especially the parrots are having a lovely time getting the nectar from the flowers. 
I can hear them all day.  

Because of the large gum trees around my house, we have a lot of birds, especially kookaburras.

They love to start laughing about 7.30 at night and 4.00 in the morning. 
I do love them but not at 4.00 am in the morning!!

Yesterday morning there was a kookaburra seeking refuge on my outdoor deck. He was there for several hours. This is very unusual for them to do that. 

 I noticed that one of his eyes was all white, he had obviously  injured it. 
Kookaburras have very sharp eye sight and rely on that to catch their food. 
Because he had been on my deck for such a long time, I decided to see if he was hungry and yep, as soon as I threw him some mince, he was into it. 
I am a soft touch when it comes to animals. 

 Happy teaching and Merry Christmas!



  1. WOW we just sang about a Kookaburra last week (learning letter Kk & sounds). I didn't have a picture, should have Googled it but seeing your photo reminded me of my lesson!

    I found you via your link for December's Currently.

    Read your post about Elf on a Shelf...starting mine on Monday. Bless the woman who came up with that elf-miracle!!

  2. It must be awesome to live in Australia & have those amazing animals in your yard! I can't imagine! Also can't imagine the end of the school year! We are only in the middle~ I have to wait until JUNE for the end!!

    Jen's Kinder Kids

  3. That bird is too adorable!! I am thinking the same thing about getting Christmas shopping done! I waited until the last minute last year and it was so stressful!


  4. Awww - love your pictures!!! So happy to have found you - gotta love Farley!

    Your newest follower - Lisa

    Also, if you anyone is interested (or has time...ha) I am looking for fresh eyes to read over my newest pack: Building STAR Readers - Study Think Ask Respond...hop over if you think it's up your alley...

    Growing Firsties

  5. I had an internship in a school near Sydney a few summers ago. I loved Australia! And I love hearing Kookaburras laugh! So sweet! I'm your newest follower :)
    Teaching in the Valley

  6. We used to sing the Kookaburra song in Brownies! I love your pictures and blog. It is so neat to connect with people around the world! Thanks Farley!
    Hilary (new follower)
    Second Grade is Out of this World

  7. Just found your blog via Farley's. Love. IT. My family moved to Sydney for a year when I was in high school. I miss your country something fierce!!

  8. Helping a kookaburra, well that's not a random act of kindness you would hear about in the US! What a cool experience to have right in your backyard. Enjoy your Christmas holiday!
    Polka Dots and Teaching Tots

  9. Hi Rhonda,
    Thanks for visiting my page a while back! Sorry I've taken so long in replying - it's been a very busy end to the year!
    We live in Woonona, and I have been doing some work this year in the Campbelltown region in both the public and catholic systems. I am only working casually atm as I have a 16mth old and am now 12 weeks pregnant.
    Love your backyard visitor... always nice when they stop by. Look forward to following you.

  10. Awww cute photos! I like your Christmas tree Rhonda!

    So glad I found your blog, looks like a major pool of ideas. :)

  11. Thanks for stopping by, Yara.
    Have a wonderful Christmas
