Monday 6 August 2012


I love doing art with my little ones. I  enjoy broadening their horizons and teaching them about famous artists.

The problem is I am not artistic but fortunately I have Patty over at Deep Space Sparkle

She is so talented and shares her talent through her website.  She has some great art lessons for sale. She also has many ideas and lessons that she freely shares.

 She recently posted 'The Modern Masters' and I couldn't wait to do the Monet Waterlilies with my little Kinders. The activity was super simple and so effective.

I told my little ones that all artists put their signature on their work. So I gave them a sharpie and they put their signature on their art. 

If you haven't visited Deep Space Sparkle, you should. You won't be disappointed and neither will your little ones.


  1. Your students did an amazing job! Thanks so much for sharing your nice to see another teacher doing this lesson!

  2. These are really sweet and I love the addition of the glitter! Deep Space Sparkle is one of my all-time favourite art blogs!
