Sunday 12 August 2012

Dinosaurs Love Underpants

Dinosaurs Love Underpants is such a fun story to read to your little ones. 
We read the story many times by request!!

I put together some fun activities to go with the story and my little ones just loved them.

We did a reading response activity and wrote about the story.

 The T Rex was mean. The cavemen had to stay home with the underpants. The dinosaurs wanted the underpants. The dinosaurs were fighting all night. That is how they got wiped out.

 The dinosaur that was mean is T Rex. All the dinosaurs were fighting over the underpants.

The dinosaurs were fighting all night then they got wiped out. They were fighting over the underpants.

We also did a fun graph ~ Which dinosaur will get the underpants?

Of course we had to make T Rex in his underpants. I had some fluorescent paint so we used it to paint the underpants. My little ones thought he looked cool and mean!


  1. My kids love Dinosars in Underpants too -- have you read Aliens in Underpants.? Also hilarious.


  2. I love, love, love your dinosaur unit. I'm waiting to see if dinos are one of my themes this year and if so, I must have your pack. Well done!

    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  3. Hi Rhonda,
    Just wanted to let you know that I gave you a shout out on my blog:

    I'm an Aussie Kinder teacher too but have been living in the USA for 8 years. My family and I are moving back to Sydney next March. My biggest little guy should start Kinderin Australia next January but will miss the first term of school so I'm starting with him now to give him a jump start (I'm soon having another baby so that's why the early start).
    Would love to hear from you if you get a chance!

  4. I have heard of this book, but still havent checked it out. will have to run to barnes and nobles and spend more money. lol

    come check out my new blog design. love new visitors.

    Pre-Schooler Daze

  5. We made your dinosaurs today. They are soooo cute! This is my new favourite book. My preps just love it and it fits in perfectly with our Aust curriculum unit on rhyme. Thanks Rhonda. Can't wait to see what you bring out next!!

  6. Thanks for your feedback. I love it when I know other teachers are using my work and are happy with their purchase. It warms my heart.

  7. I love your dinosaur pattern! Is it on teachers pay teachers?

  8. Can't seem to find this on your blog or your TPT- are you sharing these resources? Let me know I would love to use them!

  9. Are you still offering this pattern in your store. This is the best dinosaur I have seen yet. Please do tell me it's available, you don't want to see a grown woman cry now do you, lol. Your blog is amazing.

  10. Hello I am looking for your dinosaur pack but can't seem to find it. Can you help ??

  11. I was hoping to get a copy of this dinosaur pack, my class loves dinosaurs. Where can I purchases this?

  12. Hi Rhonda is it possible to get a copy of your dinosaur template?

  13. how do I get this pack? I love the graph game and the dinosaur craft.

  14. Hi is it possible to get a copy of the dinosaur in underpants craft or somwhere to purchase? Thank you
